So I am a little behind. It's Fashion Week everyone! And I love to look at the shows for not only the hair and makeup, but the clothes! That's why I do what I do. I have loved clothes since the time I could pick them out for myself and will love them till the day I die. If you allow them to, clothes will speak to you. If you take away the price tag, the "Where am I going to ever wear THAT dress?" And "Who but the rail thin model would look good in that dress?" clothes will jump at you, saying "No one in the world is meant to wear this dress but you! Yes! YOU, Bridget!"
I have a wildly overactive imagination and often dream of myself walking the streets of Paris in an elaborate ball gown, eating a croissant, and wandering in and out of shops, cafes, and museums. Not only am I in a ball gown, everyone in Paris is! And the men are all in very well tailored Tom Ford-esque tuxedos with their hair parted and styled just so and they hold doors open for you, smile and say "S'il vous plait! Allow me, Mademoiselle!" All of us women give our flirtiest smile, and shyly look away as we glide inside to experience many more encounters just like this.
As I was browsing this morning, I was left absolutely breathless. I found my wardrobe for this exact occasion. John Galliano has done it again. Everything is absolute perfection, from the perfectly cut suits inspired by the original "New Look", to the exquisite hand painted ball gowns and the hats that absolutely complete the look. The Golden Age of Glamour is rising again, ladies and gentlemen! It's time for us to stop looking like we don't give a care and to put forth a little effort! Am I suggesting we are styled like this everyday? Absolutely not, that would only happen in my imagination, but let's give it a whirl! It can be as easy as a blow out or putting on some red lipstick, but you owe it to yourself to be the best version of you that you got!
I am also devoted to my plaid shirt, leggings, and riding boots look, but add a bit of a glamours blow out and a hint of lips or eyeliner, and suddenly you are the most glamorous girl at the stable! Take a peek at these pictures and maybe think of them for a moment the next time you go out! Or head over to (where I got these pictures from) and look at the Spring 2011 Couture shows. Armani Prive is quite space age-y and perfect for those Star Trek inspired fans. And Oribe and his team styled the hair for that show, so you know it's worth checking out!
Let the clothes do all the talking and you never know who you'll meet.